Focal Length [mm]:
Height [m]
Desired Spatial Resolution [m]:
Pixelnumber Width:
Pixelnumber Height:
Sensor Width [mm]:
Sensor Height [mm]:
Vertical Overlapping from 0 to 0.99:
Horizontal Overlapping from 0 to 0.99:
Recording rate [sec] per picture:
Change the parameters. By clicking the button "Draw polygon" you can click into the map to draw a rectangle with 4 corners. Do not finish the polygon with a double click. If you want to calculate the height from a desired resolution, you have to enter the resolution and press "Calculate height from fixed GSD". If you want to calculate the GSD from a fixed input height, you press "Calculate GSD from fixed height". The respective buttons to calculate the number of pictures and the maximum velocity of the drone will be enabled, if you use the before mentioned buttons. The map uses unprojected geographic coordinates.